A day in the life: typical scenes from a mission day

 The Shed and The Beast
 The sewing co-op;
fabric donations delivered!

 sorting through files
staining new baseboards at
Church of Jesus

 delivering items to the new tribal homeless shelter
 and to White Buffalo Calf Woman's Society.
 checking out the Peace Garden,
a project we did a few years ago.
 riding a lawn mower through town
to cut the parsonage grass.

 Some of us got to walk our equipment to town
 and mow old school!
 Did you know the Episcopal Church cuts the grass for the post office
as part of its community service?
And, in case you're wondering,
yes, trimming was done with a weed whacker.

This picture was taken right after it jammed 
and Nancy and I couldn't do anything else.

Sometimes, working for the Kingdom of God
looks a lot like showing up and doing what's needed.


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