the journey home

 Faith is not enough.
We must act on our faith.

Our individual inner healing is not enough.
We must heal our world.

Spiritual practice is not enough.
We must have the spiritual strength
to stand up against injustice.

Let us move from 'charity' to the worlds hungry
to changing the conditions that create hunger;
from horror at the international sex trafficking of children
to action to stop it;
from compassion for the worlds poor 
to changing our global economic systems.

Together, let us create a world 
where love is manifested through the politics and economics of caring,
where care taking is the most honored and rewarded work,
where all children are safe from violence 
in their families and in their communities.
Let us liberate Earth from those who would conquer and despoil nature.

Let us remember that we all share the DNA of one Eve
who lived in Africa millions of years ago.
Let us treat on another as who we are:
sisters and brothers in the miracle and mystery of life.


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