South Dakota sky

The following images were all taken yesterday...
I swear I don't know how anyone in this state gets any work done at all.
We walk around all day with our cameras pointed heavenwards...
and maybe these images will give you an idea why.

The sky dominated all.

Like the land, it was too large, too singular, to be absorbed.

The sunrise was swathing the east with colors of golds and oranges and purples.
They dripped and streamed across the entire horizon, backlighting the clouds and shooting rays of yellow sunlight across the land.
The sun was slowly pushing into view.
As it rose, it drove the shadows deep into the valleys and draws.

I felt like I was in an amphitheater of the gods.
Kent Nerburn


  1. Wonderful photos! I hope you're all having a fantastic week.

  2. No surprise - we had a GREAT time!
    Your ears should have been burning... your name came up several times.
    You were/are missed!
    Hope all is well!


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