
Typical first day on work sites; trying to adjust to each other, manual labor and establishing our rhythm as work groups.
All struggling to relinquish our cultures preoccupation with control and time (and the expectations that accompanying each) and transition to 'rez time', accepting that things evolve at their own pace - and it's OK.

Among the projects for today - unloading and reloading truck flat beds of materials/lumber, sweeping and moping, scraping finish/mud off drywall, de-constructing a deck (built with the wrong lumber bundle by the group preceding us), installing a storm door, casing windows and finishing a sub floor.
Never more aware than this year of how the group that precedes you can make a HUGE difference and make things more difficult/consume your time and efforts in rectifying their mistakes.(I know there's some deep emotional/philosophical metaphor in there somewhere but I'm too tired to search for it!)

Don't even want to know what the temp was today - -it was HOT "but at least there's air moving"! Right - - think standing in front of an open oven door! That was today.
Wonderful sky at the moment - the color of bruises.
Hope a storm is headed this way.
They have 360 degree surround sound/light storms that are breathtaking - - keeping our fingers crossed.

Will post a picture of the new Bishop Hare signage.
The lone Lutheran wants you all to notice that their denomination is first mention re the joint ministry. (We were told, however, that's because a Lutheran paid for the signage and that was one of her conditions! Being good friends - and needing Christ Lutherans van, we just nodded and agreed with her that the Lutherans are a generous people!)
Note Sylvia doing her best to imitate Vanna White!

All headed to bed early - to continue the fun tomorrow.


  1. I hope you all got your rainstorm!!
    Good luck with your projects! It sounds like you are having "second child" syndrome!
    All of our prayers are being sent your way!!!

  2. Hi to everyone. I have tried posting comments for the past couple of days, but am clearly doing something wrong. Hope this one gets through.

    Thanks to you all for the hard work you're doing, especially when it's frustrating work like tearing out something that has just been done by others. The weather forecast looks like it will be cooler for the rest of the week, but with a chance of thunderstorms each day. If you enjoy those, it looks as if you may get your wishes! Love and prayers, Ann Marie


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