Work begins...

First day on the job site - and we were very excited to find ourselves working on Sam and Charlene's 5 bedroom home.

During our week two years ago, we laid the I-beams, floor plate and sub-flooring for their home and erected the first wall the day before we left.Now, after completing 500 hours of 'sweat equity', the structure has been moved from Bishop Hare Center 40 miles into the High Plains of SD in a valley, next to a spring fed creek, with views of the surrounding countryside that many of us envy.

Their new homeis situated next to the trailer where they are currently living with their 12 children; a blended family of 'his, hers and ours'. (The ages of the children range from 17yrs to 11 months.)

Several of the more curious children took a break from building a bird house (made with using wood scraps taken from the construction dumpster) to ask us if we would get their new house finished by the end of the week...we certainly hope so!

The end of their journey to home ownership is in sight and it's as gratifying to be with them at the end of the process as it was in the beginning.

We're hosting a celebration picnic on the dorm grounds for their family tomorrow night and the group has expanded to include Krista and members of her family. (Krista is one of the partner families with whom we worked last year.)

So far the count is 44 - and climbing... pray that the miracle of loaves and fishes is also operational for hamburgers, hot dogs and fried chicken!!

Some scenes from the day:

Give us, Father, a vision of your world
as love would make it;
a world whose benefits are shared
so that everyone can enjoy them;
a world whose different people and cultures
live with tolerance and mutual respect;
a world where peace is built with justice,
and justice is filled with love;
and give us the courage to build it,
through Jesus Christ our Lord.


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