Note to self

It can't be just me who thinks 
this altered version
of the Serenity Prayer 
is spot on! 

I think every missioner 
heading into a week of intentional communal living 
should commit it to heart.

(Again, maybe it's just me who needs this "Note to Self")

God, grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, 
which is pretty much everyone, 
since I’m clearly not you, God. 
At least not the last time I checked. 

 And while you’re at it, God,
 please give me the courage to change what I need to change 
about myself, 
which is frankly a lot, 
since, once again, I’m not you, 
which means I’m not perfect. 

It’s better for me to focus on changing myself 
than to worry about changing other people, 
who, as you’ll no doubt remember me saying, 
I can’t change anyway. 

 Finally, give me the wisdom to just shut up 
whenever I think that I’m clearly smarter 
than everyone else in the room, 
that no one knows what they’re talking 
about except me, 
or that I alone 
have all the answers. 

 Basically, God, grant me the wisdom 
to remember that I’m not you. 


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