You are the body of Christ.

Each one of you is a part of it.
We were challenged by Lauren in the sermon on Sunday 
to expand our 'families' by just one person 
this week;
to incorporate a 'stranger'
and enlarge our circle of love

Being the over achievers that we are,
today, we expanded by 3!

Fellow Episcopalians - no less -
it doesn't get stranger than that!

Let me introduce
Tina (L) and Dorothy (R)
from Woodstock, IL.
Tina is here on her first Mission trip
but Dorothy is a veteran.

She also got pulled over for speeding (in WI) on the drive here -
and talked her way out of a ticket!

 I think she's my new best friend!

And here's another Dorothy -
a missioner we've known for years
and one who blessed us with her presence
at meals and for prayers.
She and her husband Ron have been coming to Rosebud
for 27 years - and live right across the way from us!

We loved hearing her stories at lunch of their ministry in the community
and all the changes they've seen during their time here.
She expressed how heartwarming it was for her
to still see a group with such positive energy and dedication
continue to come back year after year.

Expanding the circle definitely paid off today!
The work?
Why yes,
we did that too -
and it was hot
and about what you'd expect on a Mission trip ..

designing signs,

collaborating with HFH staff about all things financial,

measuring and cutting,

cleaning gutters,




and preventing a brother
from falling into a pit

At times it resembled an active bee hive ...
 each of us doing our part!

No colony collapse disorder here
And we're all keeping our strength up
just to make sure it doesn't!


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